Hello all,
Before we get back to the ride, which was lovely, lets talk about me for a little while. As some of you know, I had my first real wipe out in June. It sucked. Falling and hitting the pavement is really just unpleasant especially when you land on your head–See attached:
Unfortunately, this isn’t my first head injury as I have had stitches 5 times in my fragile head–here was the time I had 52 stitches after cracking my head open on the dining room coffee table due to a fall while running in the house….
I was quite a cute kid–if I say so myself. Anyway I just bring this up because we had a huge emphasis on safety for RR3 to prevent bad stuff! Another reason I bring it up, I was out cold and had a solid concussion and due to my head injury I had this hallucination that the Presidential Nominees were Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. I still can’t shake it…is it true?/…Inconceivable! Remember, .Im an Independent and Ayn Rand supporter/Fan:
Yes, I did go on a book tour with Bill Walton too. He wrote about our friendship quite a bit in his recent book so he asked me to accompany him on some of the stops in the area so we here we are at the Berkeley signing. I know I can use the same picture twice its my blog.
Isn’t his shirt awesome.
Back to the ride! We got on the bikes at 8:15 and headed south for the more leisurely 58 mile day 2 ride. The wind was still present but less forceful. We cruised along for 20 miles then did the run thru Pendleton, which is always cool, where I regaled the riders with stories of how I was almost a Navy Seal. Only my fear of sharks/oceans/people shooting at me/heights/scary places kept me from pursuing that path. I still feel guilty at times. We stopped in Oceanside dined at the same place as last year (they were out of Avocado Toast!) and then cruised thru the prettiest town in the world, Del Mar, to the Lodge at Torrey Pines for the mandatory Bloody Mary then down the hill Past the greatest school of all time, UCSD, to La Jolla Shores where the fans and media gathered to celebrate our greatness! You can see how thick and aggressive the crowds can be in the first picture–our fans are the best loyal and a bit rowdy!–so, lots of pictures! The Montana guy ran with us for 24 miles.
My Dorm Where I met my Loving and Lovely Wife (Ann):
Are you guys really mad at Bret and Bobby? Who? I dont know of any people who go by said names.
Do you really hate Tierney; Tierney knows Trey, Rylo Knows Tierney, Rylo Doesn’t know Trey but by the Transitive property I should so, yes.
How’s the weather? It is literally 80 degrees outside.
Any words of wisdom? Always stay with the group.
I gotta go so I will return later to give an update on how we spent our evening after arriving in the most beautiful place in the world– Del Mar. But I will throw up one more picture of me and Shred practicing the lost art of sword fighting-he always has practical advice.