Happy Happy Oh My Friends.

Yes we will start with a Trey Lyric to explain the title of the first official post of Ryloride3 (which is sticking to the Seinfeld/Highlander theme!!): You decide what it contains/ How long it goes but this remains/ the only rule is it begins/ Happy happy oh my friend (s).  There you go simple as pie!

Although the ride is the same, mostly, as far as route down the coast, the participants have changed a LOT–don’t worry I will explain all of it over the next few posts.  First off the only riding member of RR2 NOT to be on RR3 is Bobby J. I know–BOOOOOO! BOOOOOOO!


We are all deeply hurt but he has gotten a bit out of hand lately so he wont be joining us….the hurt runs deep…..When I told him he was officially out he took it quite well I think.


I have been training VERY hard both on bike and on land and I have let my beard grow–I look good.  Here I am on a stroll through the park–Why are all the kids and mothers running away and screaming?


In addition to the personnel changes, I also won’t be represented by Clooney on this years Blog. He demanded a HUGE raise due to the popularity of the event and well he’s out. Instead, this year the likeness that will be representing me is…..rylo3

Yes the Highlander himself. Im quite handy with a sword.

Away from that, we have Nathan back on the bike. Here is his promo picture:


Nathan is about to complete a Marathon (shortly after RR3 actually), so he’s in optimal shape for the ride.

I will do the rest of the team tomorrow!  But for now a few more  brief comments and then preparation for the drive down the 5 with none other than Dave Schroeder–aka The Shred. I made a mixture tape we can sing along with while discussing White Papers we are working on at the Ryles Institute.  I assume you are aware of the work we do.  We have changed one of the hotels due to unruly crowds of fans but only Nathan and I know the exact location which we picked very carefully while taking great precautions not to be overheard.


I will be back at it again after the drive tomorrow where we can go into greater depth about myself and what I have been up to etc.  Give the fans what they want.