Who sings that? Anybody? I know at least 5 people who would get it so get involved –it’s Trey of course! Boy does that song sing to me now.
Sorry I couldn’t blog yesterday no internet at big sur and I couldn’t have done it anyway as the back to back hilly windy first few “Difficult” were shall we say exhausting and the upcoming days are the same thing just longer. I know I am supposed to share ride stuff but for the record my body is one giant muscle spasm!! If i sit down on a bed and extend my legs you should see my ARRNOLD like leg muscles from the ankle to the waste–Its like i am hooked up to electrodes! Its like the water fountain at the Belagio! That’s why they require a post ride massage which works shockingly well–until 5 am the next day! Biggest issue for me is trying to eat 10k calories a day. As you all know, despite my daunting physical appearance, I have a sensitive and supple system so going from 3 to 10k and then getting on your bike is tricky. They feed us 10 meals a day. I am not kidding 10 and these people eat like they have been on survivor for a month. Rylo doesn’t have that ability to do that so I am navigating it all as best I can–hence, it’s no easy road but for gods sake I knew this was gonna maul me so maybe a big as you wish to me (movie?).
I feel I should address all the amazing stories we hear every night during the presentations but that would be too much. Suffice it to say the challenged athletes on the ride are complete studs. Its about 50/50 men women but there are about 100 triathlete trophies or purple hearts amongst this group and an 8 time Kona Triathlete–oh yeah he is the guy who rowed from SF to Hawaii with his wife in July- I knew the headline but the stories and videos were insane–oh and man that guy doesn’t like to lose he’s lucky I can’t eat 10k calories a day. So we got some type A people here! One group, yes this is true and makes me weep, goes for a 10 mile run after the ride to stretch out. I just fall off my bike it is much easier. It is truly unbelievable and inspiring to watch them riding like they do. Money well spent!
The ride from SC to Big Sur was spectacular (although u can see it well in a car too). We did the 17 mile drive (again still lovely in a car) and ate on the famous Carmel Beach. It then gets a bit brutal into Big Sur but it’s some of the most pristine coastland in the world. Ok–now to some pictures. I will do more tomorrow we just have very little downtime! Once again thanks for your support. I assume the pictures will be self explanatory.