The FINAL COUNTDOWN! You know the song from the commercial sing along!

My bags are packed, I’m ready to go….I’m leaving in my Highlander. Ok, you get the point. All 3 bikes are in/on the car (one needed emergency repairs and was literally JUST fixed–I KNOW!) and although we are having some minor staffing issues the Ryloride2 Executive Committee is having a call at 8pm to discuss all options and finalize the remaining details (royalties, Media schedules, VIP obligations etc).  Here are the bikes and the car ready to go!IMG_9095


Ann and I saw TAB last night here are a few pictures including when Trey became a crazy beam of light!IMG_9081


I can’t believe the # of questions my team is getting. One of my interns was organizing the questions til 2 am! I will address a few of the questions, share some more of my amazing photographs from my recent class and then impart words of wisdom for all of you to drink in and use to become better people.  You are welcome.

Q: Why can’t we ride with you if we want to ? We are high performing near professional type athletes and we dont want to hurt you.

Q: Are you worried about crowds along the route? YES. Bret Barker is in charge of course management, VIP Viewing Stations and all Media Relations. I haven’t seen his final report but all indications are we could attract thousands.

Q: Are you insane? The Doctors are not in agreement on that one.

Q:  Are you going to transmit 24/7 so we can follow along every minute of the way? No. We just didnt have the time to plan this. Sorry maybe for Ryloride3.

Q: What do the get if we purchase a VIP pass? You get preferred seating along the route. Access to the Riders at the end of the day. We will be in your Christmas Card Photo.  You can buy us drinks and Robertos at the end. First dibs on all Media Tours.

Here we have the beach at Sunrise its shot in color,  a brook I froze by setting a very slow shutter speed to give it a ribbony appearance vs freezing each drop.  My friend “Mr. Otter” and of course Monterey Bay at Sunrise.

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Wisdom sharing: You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take. Its been perfectly planned-its completely insane. Throw away stuff you don’t need in the end but keep what’s important and know who’s your friend.  Never take any wooden nickels.  Pretty solid stuff, I know. I must go now I have so much still to do.