More importantly why didn’t any of you talk me out of it? Come on you know me well enough to know that I am a dreamer-a cockeyed optimist– like Billy Mumphrey–but that sure doesn’t matter now cause its too late to do anything other than rally and ride.
A few procedural items: 1) I am a moron when it comes to technology so expect no bells or whistles the fact that I managed to do this is a miracle. Kehoe would be so happy. 2) My former professional friends are all very used to reading ryloramble having received millions of messages from me so for those of you who know me thru other channels–well, you might see another side of me. Irreverant, opinionated but also full of intense insight and intrigue due to my numerous mesmerizing stories on life lessons. The 6 P’s anybody? 3) I dont know how hard this will be to continue on the road but I will try to put up some pictures at the very least. And lastly, what the heck was i thinking and why didn’t anybody talk me out of it??! Its normal to be petrified right before the ride–isn’t it? Go Giants!