Pardon me for going a bit out of order but there is just so much to say. After a glorious “down day” in Del Mar post RR3, we packed up the highlander and headed home. She was still sporting the broken windshield from the gunfire we encountered on the ride down but fortunately I upgraded to bullet proof glass when I purchased the vehicle so we are glad I made that decision as it could have been much worse. To kill time on the VERY long 500 mile drive Shred and I played that new game that is all the rage–car Karaoke. Shred was a theater major in college and he really got into character for every round. First we banged out Candle in the Wind and Goodbye Yellow Brick road:
Then right into Do you Think I am sexy by Rod:
And then he went all Ham on us with is Lady Gaga impersonation during the Roma Tomato song of hers-we crushed that song.
The 5 was fine but we did hit some traffic approaching the GrapeVine:
But before our journey, we enjoyed the last evening gala followed by a Private team dinner at the Poseidon. At the gala everybody was in a fabulous mood as toasts were plentiful as was the praise heaped upon Rylo for another successful ride. Here we have Joe and Andrew enjoying a moment:
And Shred put on his finest garb for the evening–his Handmade Peacock Feathered Jacket that he once used to woo his lovely bride-
Nathan wore the outfit from his recent video which looked quite stunning:
At one Pt Nathan really mixed it up and got a Peach Coolie
One thing we noticed was that we were a pretty mellow crew. With the Baseball games starting at 4 we tended to be viewing them early/eating early and getting a good night sleep. This is a big difference vs last year and we all knows its because we dont have Bobby there trying to always take it to the next level:
I tried to make up with Bobby but well this was the selfie he sent me:
Hopefully time will heal these wounds. Well I gotta go for now but I will still comeback and finish this up with my book and tv reviews, more RR3 memorabilia, Q&A, Advice and worthwhile sayings, whats next and we finish with Nathans song that he sang us on the last night–he took his cue from last years performance by Bobby and man he really nailed it. Until then!